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photos © Helen Murray |
Emilia sai ensi-iltansa Shakespeare's Globessa 10. elokuuta viime vuonna, Vaudeville Theatressa ensimmäinen esitys oli 8. maaliskuuta tänä vuonna.
Emilia kertoo Emilia Bassanosta, naisesta, joka kenties on mystinen "Dark lady" Shakespearen soneteista. Emilia halusi äänensä kuuluviin, mutta hän oli nainen aikana, jolloin naisen ei kuulunut kirjoittaa, vaan totella. Esitys ottaa kantaa naisten asemaan ja koskettaa yllättävän vahvasti myös nykyajan katsojaa, vaikka se 400 vuoden taakse sijoittuukin. Esitys kysyy, miksi naisten ääni on niin pitkään hävitetty historiasta, miksei heidän tekstejään ole julkaistu ja ajatuksiaan kuunneltu. Koko esiintyjäporukka on naisia, he tekevät niin nais- ja miesroolitkin, aivan kuten silloin vanhana aikana miehet tekivät kaikki roolit.
No huh huh ja vau! Tämä on aivan valtavan hieno näytelmä, yksi parhaita joita olen koskaan nähnyt. Vaikuttavin teatterikokemus aikoihin. Jotenkin niin vahva meno koko esityksen ajan, että tuntui aika hienolta hurrata esityksen lopuksi, varsinkin kun esitys loppuu hyvin valtavaan ja tuliseen puheeseen, joka taitaa olla aika sanasta sanaan sama kuin Globen produktiossa, se löytyy esimerkiksi täältä, jos puheen tahtoo lukea. En tiennyt tästä mitään ennen katsomoon astelemista, mutta voi hurja miten upea tämä oli! Lava ja puvut sopivat esitykseen ajankuvaan oikein hyvin, ja myös esityksen kieli ja yleinen tunnelma on vanhahtavalla tavalla arvokasta. Käsikirjoitus (Morgan Lloyd Malcolm) on raikas, älykäs ja todella sujuva ja hyvin kirjoitettu, se tarttuu tärkeisiin, koskettaviin aiheisiin ja käsittelee niitä varmuudella, vivahteikkaasti ja yksityiskohtaisesti.
Emiliaa näyttelevät Saffron Coomber, Adelle Leonce ja Clare Perkins, he ovat Emilia tämän eri elämänvaiheissa, ja kaikki tekevät hienoa työtä. Coomberin Emilia on nuorimpana kaikista eloisin, iloisin ja suhtautuu kaikkeen nuoruuden innolla, vaikka joutuukin vaikeuksia kohtaamaan vähän väliä. Coomber on lavalla hurmaava ja näyttää Emilian tunteet ja ajatukset yleisölle vivahteikkaasti. Leoncen Emilia on kaikista rauhallisin, hän on nuoruudestaan jo viisastunut ja suhtautuu elämään järkevästi pitäen kiinni siitä, mitä hän haluaa. Leoncen työskentelyä on ilo seurata. Perkins on lavalla Emilioista eniten, ja hän tekee kyllä valtavan vahvaa työtä ja on päättäväinen, viisas ja elämää nähnyt nainen, joka haluaa, että asiat muuttuvat. Kolmen näyttelijän yhteistyö on sujuvaa ja he tuovat Emilian kasvun yleisön silmien eteen selvästi ja kauniisti.
Charity Wakefield on näyttelijöistä suosikkini, hän tekee ihan mahtavaa työtä William Shakespearena. Hurmaavaa, luontevaa, yksityiskohtaista ja hauskaa roolityötä, Wakefield onnistuu roolissaan loistavasti. Sanoisin että tämä on suosikkitulkintani Shakespearesta. Ja Willin hiukset näyttävät hienoilta, niille erityismaininta! Carolyn Pickles on tosi hyvä lordi Henry Carey, hauska ja mainio rooli tämä. Sarah Seggari jäi mieleen, hän tekee kaksi onnistunutta roolia lady Cordeliana ja Florana, samoin pidin Amanda Wilkinin Alphonsosta. Wilkin ottaa roolista kaiken irti ja on lavalla loistava. Nadia Albina tekee myös monta hyvää roolia, mainitaan niistä nyt lady Katherine Howard. Nostetaan vielä Anna Andersen, josta pidin erityisesti lady Mary Sidneyn roolissa.
Charity Wakefield on näyttelijöistä suosikkini, hän tekee ihan mahtavaa työtä William Shakespearena. Hurmaavaa, luontevaa, yksityiskohtaista ja hauskaa roolityötä, Wakefield onnistuu roolissaan loistavasti. Sanoisin että tämä on suosikkitulkintani Shakespearesta. Ja Willin hiukset näyttävät hienoilta, niille erityismaininta! Carolyn Pickles on tosi hyvä lordi Henry Carey, hauska ja mainio rooli tämä. Sarah Seggari jäi mieleen, hän tekee kaksi onnistunutta roolia lady Cordeliana ja Florana, samoin pidin Amanda Wilkinin Alphonsosta. Wilkin ottaa roolista kaiken irti ja on lavalla loistava. Nadia Albina tekee myös monta hyvää roolia, mainitaan niistä nyt lady Katherine Howard. Nostetaan vielä Anna Andersen, josta pidin erityisesti lady Mary Sidneyn roolissa.
Emilian musiikin on säveltänyt Luisa Gernstein ja sävelet sopivat esitykseen upeasti, musiikki on ihastuttavaa ja vahvaa. Myös koreografia (Anna Morrissey) sopii hyvin joka kohtaukseen, varsinkin joukkokohtauksissa tanssia on ilo katsoa ja esityksen muukin liikekieli on sujuvaa. Ohjaaja Nicole Charles on tehnyt hyvää työtä, Emilia muotoutuu hänen käsissään esitykseksi, jossa kaikki loksahtaa kohdilleen ja katsojaa odottaa tunteiden vuoristorata, joka jättää jälkeensä paljon ajatuksia ja vaikuttuneen olon. Tämä on ihan valtavan hauska esitys, huumori on fiksua ja monelle asialle saa nauraa, mutta monessa kohtaa esitys myös koskettaa, vihastuttaa, ihastuttaa, ärsyttää, hämmästyttää ja ilahduttaa. Paljon hienoja juttuja, jotka saavat yleisöstä esiin erilaisia reaktioita.
Niin, ja mainitaan nyt vielä se, että Emilia julkaisi runoteoksensa Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (Hail, God, King of the Jews) 1611, yhtenä ensimmäisistä oman nimensä alla kirjoittavista naisista, ja hän oli ensimmäinen englantilainen nainen, joka kutsui itseään (ammatti)runoilijaksi. Vaikka kaikki historialliset faktat eivät tarinassa ole varmoja, niin Emilian kirjoitukset ja ajatukset ovat säilyneet tähän päivään asti, ja niitä voi edelleen lukea hänen teoksestaan. Käsiohjelmasta löytyy hyvä aikajana Emilian elämästä sekä Who is Emilia Bassano?-teksti, josta käy ilmi tärkeimpiä juttuja Emilian elämästä sekä se, että hänestä on jäänyt historian havinan asioita, joista ei voida varmuudella tietää, ovatko ne totta, kuvitelmaa, tapahtuneet eri tavalla tai muuten vain asioita, joita ei voida varmistaa. Eiköhän esitykseen silti mahdu ihan historiallisestikin paikkansa pitäviä juttuja, ja moni hahmo ja asia näyttäytyy varmasti samankaltaisena kuin esikuvansakin.
Niin, ja mainitaan nyt vielä se, että Emilia julkaisi runoteoksensa Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (Hail, God, King of the Jews) 1611, yhtenä ensimmäisistä oman nimensä alla kirjoittavista naisista, ja hän oli ensimmäinen englantilainen nainen, joka kutsui itseään (ammatti)runoilijaksi. Vaikka kaikki historialliset faktat eivät tarinassa ole varmoja, niin Emilian kirjoitukset ja ajatukset ovat säilyneet tähän päivään asti, ja niitä voi edelleen lukea hänen teoksestaan. Käsiohjelmasta löytyy hyvä aikajana Emilian elämästä sekä Who is Emilia Bassano?-teksti, josta käy ilmi tärkeimpiä juttuja Emilian elämästä sekä se, että hänestä on jäänyt historian havinan asioita, joista ei voida varmuudella tietää, ovatko ne totta, kuvitelmaa, tapahtuneet eri tavalla tai muuten vain asioita, joita ei voida varmistaa. Eiköhän esitykseen silti mahdu ihan historiallisestikin paikkansa pitäviä juttuja, ja moni hahmo ja asia näyttäytyy varmasti samankaltaisena kuin esikuvansakin.
Ihan mahtavan upea esitys siis! Tämä jätti jäljen, tulen varmastikin aina muistamaan sen onnellisen ja ilahtuneen tunnelman, joka katsomossa vallitsi esitystä katsoessa ja sen innokkuuden, jolla näyttelijöille ja muusikoille esityksen loputtua hurrattiin. Hyvin harvoin sanon, että jokaisen pitäisi nähdä tämä, mutta tällä kertaa niin on. Jokaisen tulisi ehdottomasti nähdä tämä, tai edes jotain tällaista. Ilmiömäinen, vahva, viisas, sydämellinen ja hauska esitys, joka tekee ison vaikutuksen.
Emilia was first performed at Shakespeare's Globe 10th August 2018, first performance at Vaudeville Theatre was 8th March this year.
Emilia is a story about Emilia Bassano, a woman who might be the "Dark Lady" in Shakespeare's sonnets. She wanted her voice to be heard, but she couldn't get people to listen. Emilia was a woman in a time when women were not supposed to write or tell their ideas, they were supposed to do as they were told. The play speaks about women's rights and has a strong message for audiences watching it now, even when Emilia Bassano lived 400 years ago. The play asks why women are erased from history, why don't we know their stories, why weren't they allowed to speak and write and tell their stories?
Oh wow. This was something really special, and something I did not see coming. I didn't know anything about Emilia (or Emilia Bassano for that matter) before the show and I was totally amazed by everything. Emilia is definitely one of the best plays I've ever seen and one of the strongest, most moving shows I have ever experienced. It's a play I'm never going to forget. It's smart, funny, touching, heartfelt, strong and wonderfully done, and it has such a strong message and a powerful way to tell it that I knew I would love everything about it the second the show started. I was mostly impressed by the atmosphere the play created - it was like the whole audience felt as happy and lucky as I did to witness a story like this. Morgan Lloyd Malcolm's play is witty and wonderful, and it talks about the important things in life with passion and wisdom. Costumes and staging look brilliant and they fit the time the play is set, and the language used in the dialog sounds sophisticated, like the way (I imagine) people spoke four hundred years ago.
Emilia is portrayed by three actresses, Emilia 1 is Saffron Coomber, Emilia 2 Adelle Leonce and Emilia 3 Clare Perkins. The way Emilia has three actresses telling her story is amazing, her journey and growth is shown with great talent and beautifully considered details. All three Emilias work well together and as individuals, it's a joy to watch Emilia grow from little girl to wise woman, and to see everything that happens to her in life (I mean it's not always a joy to see what happens to her but it is a joy to see how well the actresses tell her story). Coomber's Emilia is the most joyful and vivid, she's still young and hasn't seen all the things life has to offer. Leonce is a calm, wise and clever Emilia, she already knows the things that have happened to her in the past and she knows how life works, at least better than her younger self. Perkins' Emilia is full of power, she wants to finally be heard and she wants everyone else to be heard as well.
Charity Wakefield as William Shakespeare is my favorite role, she's charming and fun and has a lot of good details in her role. Wakefield's portrayal of Will is probably my favourite version of William Shakespeare out of the ones I've seen up to this point. And Will's hair looks great, that deserves a mention too! Carolyn Pickles is brilliant as lord Henry Carey, she has a great way of bringing the character to life and she gives the audince some hilarious moments to remember. Sarah Seggari does two great roles as lady Cordelia and Flora, and Nadia Albina has strong moments on stage especially as lady Katherine Howard. Amanda Wilkin is amazing as Alphonso, she's funny and does excellent work. And Anna Andersen is very good as lady Mary Sidney. The whole all-female cast has a strong way of telling the stories happening on stage, and they tell them with energy, talent and emotion.
Emilia's music is composed by Luisa Gerstein and it fits the play perfectly, the music is delightful, energetic, touching and full of all kinds of feelings. Anna Morrissey's choreography is great and I loved the dance scenes a lot, they are full of power and energy and joy. Morrissey is also the movement director of the play and she has done good job with that as well. Director Nicole Charles has put every piece together in the right way, leaving the audience with a play that is an emotional roller coaster ready to fill your head with a ton of thoughts and an impressed feeling. Emilia is a lot of fun, the play's humor is clever and hilarious, but it also makes you sad, angry, delighted, stunned, frustrated and happy. It's great how many parts in this story make the audience laugh, cry, cheer, applaud, disagree, agree and feel. There's no better feeling than to sit among the rest of the audience and see that they are feeling the same thing you do. Or maybe not the same, but they feel something. And that's what matters.
I have to mention that Emilia did publish a collection of poetry called Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (Hail, God, King of the Jews) in 1611, and she was one of the first women to write under her own name and the first English woman to describe herself as a poet. Even though not every historical detail in this play is correct, one thing is certain - everyone can read what Emilia wrote, because her words are published and in pages. Her thoughts are not forgotten, just like this play shows. Her voice is heard. There is a good text in the program about Emilia, Who is Emilia Bassano? and a timeline about her life, so even when I didn't know anything about her, I could learn a little before the show. And the text also makes it clear that nobody knows everything about Emilia's life, not even if she ever met Shakespeare. But maybe she did. Maybe she didn't. The important thing is that she lived, because without Emilia Bassano Lanier there would be no play called Emilia.
And one more thing before I stop writing this. The play ends with a impassioned speech which gives you goosebumps and is just amazing to hear. I think it's the same one you can find behind this link, so if you don't have the chance to see the show, you can still read the words that end the play. And those are some powerful words.
I don't usually say that everyone should see a certain play, but now I do. Everyone should see Emilia. Everyone needs to see it. I wish everyone would see it.
Emilia is a story about Emilia Bassano, a woman who might be the "Dark Lady" in Shakespeare's sonnets. She wanted her voice to be heard, but she couldn't get people to listen. Emilia was a woman in a time when women were not supposed to write or tell their ideas, they were supposed to do as they were told. The play speaks about women's rights and has a strong message for audiences watching it now, even when Emilia Bassano lived 400 years ago. The play asks why women are erased from history, why don't we know their stories, why weren't they allowed to speak and write and tell their stories?
Oh wow. This was something really special, and something I did not see coming. I didn't know anything about Emilia (or Emilia Bassano for that matter) before the show and I was totally amazed by everything. Emilia is definitely one of the best plays I've ever seen and one of the strongest, most moving shows I have ever experienced. It's a play I'm never going to forget. It's smart, funny, touching, heartfelt, strong and wonderfully done, and it has such a strong message and a powerful way to tell it that I knew I would love everything about it the second the show started. I was mostly impressed by the atmosphere the play created - it was like the whole audience felt as happy and lucky as I did to witness a story like this. Morgan Lloyd Malcolm's play is witty and wonderful, and it talks about the important things in life with passion and wisdom. Costumes and staging look brilliant and they fit the time the play is set, and the language used in the dialog sounds sophisticated, like the way (I imagine) people spoke four hundred years ago.
Emilia is portrayed by three actresses, Emilia 1 is Saffron Coomber, Emilia 2 Adelle Leonce and Emilia 3 Clare Perkins. The way Emilia has three actresses telling her story is amazing, her journey and growth is shown with great talent and beautifully considered details. All three Emilias work well together and as individuals, it's a joy to watch Emilia grow from little girl to wise woman, and to see everything that happens to her in life (I mean it's not always a joy to see what happens to her but it is a joy to see how well the actresses tell her story). Coomber's Emilia is the most joyful and vivid, she's still young and hasn't seen all the things life has to offer. Leonce is a calm, wise and clever Emilia, she already knows the things that have happened to her in the past and she knows how life works, at least better than her younger self. Perkins' Emilia is full of power, she wants to finally be heard and she wants everyone else to be heard as well.
Charity Wakefield as William Shakespeare is my favorite role, she's charming and fun and has a lot of good details in her role. Wakefield's portrayal of Will is probably my favourite version of William Shakespeare out of the ones I've seen up to this point. And Will's hair looks great, that deserves a mention too! Carolyn Pickles is brilliant as lord Henry Carey, she has a great way of bringing the character to life and she gives the audince some hilarious moments to remember. Sarah Seggari does two great roles as lady Cordelia and Flora, and Nadia Albina has strong moments on stage especially as lady Katherine Howard. Amanda Wilkin is amazing as Alphonso, she's funny and does excellent work. And Anna Andersen is very good as lady Mary Sidney. The whole all-female cast has a strong way of telling the stories happening on stage, and they tell them with energy, talent and emotion.
Emilia's music is composed by Luisa Gerstein and it fits the play perfectly, the music is delightful, energetic, touching and full of all kinds of feelings. Anna Morrissey's choreography is great and I loved the dance scenes a lot, they are full of power and energy and joy. Morrissey is also the movement director of the play and she has done good job with that as well. Director Nicole Charles has put every piece together in the right way, leaving the audience with a play that is an emotional roller coaster ready to fill your head with a ton of thoughts and an impressed feeling. Emilia is a lot of fun, the play's humor is clever and hilarious, but it also makes you sad, angry, delighted, stunned, frustrated and happy. It's great how many parts in this story make the audience laugh, cry, cheer, applaud, disagree, agree and feel. There's no better feeling than to sit among the rest of the audience and see that they are feeling the same thing you do. Or maybe not the same, but they feel something. And that's what matters.
I have to mention that Emilia did publish a collection of poetry called Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (Hail, God, King of the Jews) in 1611, and she was one of the first women to write under her own name and the first English woman to describe herself as a poet. Even though not every historical detail in this play is correct, one thing is certain - everyone can read what Emilia wrote, because her words are published and in pages. Her thoughts are not forgotten, just like this play shows. Her voice is heard. There is a good text in the program about Emilia, Who is Emilia Bassano? and a timeline about her life, so even when I didn't know anything about her, I could learn a little before the show. And the text also makes it clear that nobody knows everything about Emilia's life, not even if she ever met Shakespeare. But maybe she did. Maybe she didn't. The important thing is that she lived, because without Emilia Bassano Lanier there would be no play called Emilia.
And one more thing before I stop writing this. The play ends with a impassioned speech which gives you goosebumps and is just amazing to hear. I think it's the same one you can find behind this link, so if you don't have the chance to see the show, you can still read the words that end the play. And those are some powerful words.
I don't usually say that everyone should see a certain play, but now I do. Everyone should see Emilia. Everyone needs to see it. I wish everyone would see it.
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